Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021. A new year to set new goals and tackle them. If you're like everyone else, you're probably taking today to think of new year resolutions for this year. And lets be honest, in past years how many of those resolutions have you actually kept? Being honest, I've never kept any of mine. There always a good idea but then everyone seems to give up on them by mid February and say I'll try again next year. Well next year is another 10 months away. That's 10 months of wondering through wondering which way to go, and where to go next because you don't have your goals guiding you. So instead of setting those New Year Resolutions, I encourage you to set realistic goals. My girl Heather said it best today on her Instagram stories. Take the time to invest in yourself and set small realistic goals. Once you hit those small goals make another set of small goals to hit. Maybe even set a goal for each week, then each month, and start over every month with a new monthly goal. Take back control of you, and your mindset and what you can control. After a year like 2020 that we just had, that is one of the biggest things I've learned. So many things have happened that were out of my control. From Madison being born with just Jake at the hospital with me and no visitors. Our state going into a lock down multiple times. Not being able to go out and do things you'd like to do. Not being able to see family and friends that you'd like. All things I cannot control. But what I can control is what I put inside my body, what goes through my mind, and how I take care of my body with exercise.
I read a book last year from church about habits. It talked about daily habits we should make as evangelists, but it also talked about habits in general. It talked about how on average it took people 66 days to fully form a habit. Something that is less intense habit, like drinking a glass of water right away when you wake up takes less time to form as a habit than something that is more complex, that could take months to form.
So first small goal for January of 2021 is to set a regular schedule for waking up. A time to get up, have some me time/workout time and eat breakfast. This will be my month long goal. My short term January goal will be to drink water every morning right away when I get up before I eat anything. Start my day off with water and on the right foot.
Above I gave a graphic with a list of a lot of goals some easy some more complex. Not all are fitness related but they do help with the mental health. Another month long goal for January is to write a blog post every day. This is a year long goal, but I'm starting with just the month of January. My mind can wrap around just one month first. Once I get the first month under my belt, I will be able to add to that goal. I will be adding something with the goal of writing everyday. Eventually it will be just second nature to write everyday without even thinking about it.
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